About Us

Founded in 2016, AdvanGrid is a rapidly growing IoT start-up, that is developing and manufacturing high-performance energy monitoring solutions for fast and precise evaluation of power and consumption.

Our primary business is Energy management solutions for Industry.We help our customers to cut their energy costs up to 30% by finding and preventing energy wastage, equipment defects, human-caused losses and other problems. Our mission is to help them cut energy costs locally so that they can compete globally.

Our secondary business is the development of energy monitoring solutions for electricity distribution network operators (DNOs). The solutions we have developed are used in the electricity networks of various countries, mainly for the digitization of the electricity network and the improvement of operational performance.

Although we are experts in the field of electricity, we also offer our customers other types of IoT solutions, such as microclimate control, automatic reading of water and gas consumption, engine vibration monitor, etc. Our experienced FW / SW / HW development team is ready to listen to any customer pain and find a solution.

We're a part of larger holding  - Sensum Group, with over 2000 employees and an annual turnover of 200 million EUR. Our products and partners can be found in the Europe, US, Africa and Middle East.

In collaboration with the European Regional Development Fund we have done the following

On the 28th of September 2016 ‘’ AdvanGrid’’ Ltd. has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2016/809 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project "International competitiveness promotion", which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Founded in 2016, AdvanGrid is a rapidly growing IoT start-up, that is developing and manufacturing high-performance energy monitoring solutions for fast and precise evaluation of power and consumption.

Our primary business is Energy management solutions for Industry.We help our customers to cut their energy costs up to 30% by finding and preventing energy wastage, equipment defects, human-caused losses and other problems. Our mission is to help them cut energy costs locally so that they can compete globally.

Our secondary business is the development of energy monitoring solutions for electricity distribution network operators (DNOs). The solutions we have developed are used in the electricity networks of various countries, mainly for the digitization of the electricity network and the improvement of operational performance.

Although we are experts in the field of electricity, we also offer our customers other types of IoT solutions, such as microclimate control, automatic reading of water and gas consumption, engine vibration monitor, etc. Our experienced FW / SW / HW development team is ready to listen to any customer pain and find a solution.

We're a part of larger holding  - Sensum Group, with over 2000 employees and an annual turnover of 200 million EUR. Our products and partners can be found in the Europe, US, Africa and Middle East.

In collaboration with the European Regional Development Fund we have done the following

On the 28th of September 2016 ‘’ AdvanGrid’’ Ltd. has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2016/809 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project "International competitiveness promotion", which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

AdvanGrid īsteno pētniecības projektu Latvijas Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāna 2.2. reformu un investīciju virziena "Uzņēmumu digitālā transformācija un inovācijas" investīcijas "Atbalsts jaunu produktu un pakalpojumu ieviešanai uzņēmējdarbībā"" īstenošanas noteikumi kompetences centru ietvaros” .
Projekts Nr.
Pētniecības projekta numurs: P3Projekta nosaukums: Digitāla oglekļa dioksīda nospieduma menedžmenta un ilgtspējas ziņošanas rīka izstrāde.
Projekta mērķis: Izstrādāt digitālu rīku, kurš palīdzēs uzņēmumiem mērīt, samazināt un kompensēt to radīto CO2 nospiedumu. 
Plānotais rezultāts:Funkcionāla CO2 nospieduma menedžmenta un ilgtspējas ziņošanas aplikācija
Projekta īstenošanas periods: 01.09.2024. – 28.02.2026.
Projekta atbalsta finansējums: 270 560,00 EUR

Perioda atskaite: 01.09.2024– 30.11.2024

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